Closing port 22 and hiding ssh service behind TLS




SSH is crucial for a server. It is the door that enables system management to be performed. So, it needs to be secured to prevent unauthorized access to the system.

I once configured the ssh service to only listen to specific address, but the downside is another layer of network is needed (i.e. the Virtual Private Network tunnel) just to access the ssh service.

What if I am on the road and don’t want to open a VPN tunnel but I want to access the server for some quick administration? I’ve come to this approach by knowing that most reverse proxying solutions come with capabilities of proxying raw TCP packet (i.e. layer 4 reverse proxying).

Two approaches: haproxy and nginx

First method: haproxy

I’ve come to this setup thanks to Haproxy blog explaining this method1. The package haproxy is needed for this.

The configuration I’ve used is by setting up haproxy to route tcp connections based on TLS Server Name Indication. First, I set up another backend to act as TLS termination ssh on localhost. Here is a snippet of haproxy.conf with the aforementioned setup.

listen tls_to_ssh
    mode tcp
    bind ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/ssh.pem
    server localhost_ssh

Of course the key and certificate need to be present at specified location. Here is how to generate those keys.

cd /etc/ssl/private
umask 077
# Here I use prime256v1 ECDSA key.
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -out ssh.pem.key
# In case RSA certificate is preferred, here is how to generate it. At least 2048 bit for RSA key to be secure.
# openssl genrsa -out ssh.pem.key 4096
openssl x509 -subj '/CN=my_cloud_server_ssh' -days 365 -key ssh.pem.key -signkey ssh.pem.key -new -out ssh.pem

Now, let’s define the frontend part which listens for tls connections on port 443 and selecting appropriate backend using the SNI. Here is relevant part of haproxy configuration which will be appended after haproxy default configuration section.

frontend tls_listener
    mode tcp
    bind :::443
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }
    default-backend tls_to_sni_backends

backend tls_to_sni_backends
    mode tcp
    acl web_server if req_ssl_sni -i
    acl ssh_server if req_ssl_sni -i my_cloud_server_ssh
    option ssl-hello-chk
    use-server web if web_server
    use-server ssh if ssh_server
    use-server web if !web_server !ssh_server
    server web send-proxy
    server ssh

listen tls_to_ssh
    mode tcp
    bind ssl crt /etc/ssl/private/ssh.pem
    server localhost_ssh

Now, make sure that everything is correct and restart haproxy service

systemctl restart haproxy.service

With this configuration, connecting to port 443 with SNI set to my_cloud_server_ssh will be greeted by OpenSSH banner.

Second method: nginx

The famous nginx web server can also be used for this same setup. On Debian, libnginx-mod-stream is required for layer 4 proxying (tcp routing). I’ve used this setup since downgrading my vps to the lowest specification, because nginx consumes less memory than haproxy.

Here is the relevant snippet from /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

stream {      
    map $ssl_preread_server_name $name {  web;
        my_cloud_server_ssh    ssh;
        default web;
    upstream web {

    upstream ssh {
    server {
            listen ssl proxy_protocol;
            ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/private/ssh.pem;
            ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/ssh.pem.key;

    server {
            listen [::]:443;
            listen 443;
            proxy_pass $name;
            ssl_preread on;
            proxy_protocol on;

Restart nginx to apply the setup. Now, nginx will route tls connections on port 443 according to SNI as mentioned before.

To haproxy route or nginx route?

It’s up to the the man who follows this guide. The resulting setup is the same: ssh service hidden behind tls port, accessible via correct SNI name.

Connecting to the ssh server hidden behind tls

From the client, check if SNI routing works.

openssl s_client -quiet -connect $my_server_ip:443 -servername my_cloud_server_ssh
# if ncat is installed, it can be used
ncat --ssl --ssl-servername my_cloud_server_ssh $my_server_ip 443

The response should be as follows if using openssl command line.

Connecting to $my_server_ip
depth=0 CN=my_cloud_server_ssh
verify error:num=18:self-signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 CN=my_cloud_server_ssh
verify return:1
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3

If using ncat, the ssh banner will be displayed without any tls information.

Now, to connect to the ssh server behind tls, just put one of those commands as ProxyCommand.

ProxyCmd="ncat --ssl --ssl-servername my_cloud_server_ssh $my_server_ip 443"
# if openssl command line is preferred, it can also be used as proxy command
# ProxyCmd="openssl s_client -quiet -connect $my_server_ip:443 -servername my_cloud_server_ssh"
ssh -o ProxyCommand="$ProxyCmd" $my_user@$my_server_ip

For convenience, the ProxyCommand can be added to the snippet of relevant server in the ~/.ssh/config file.

Here is the relevant part of ~/.ssh/config. Just replace the relevant $variable with correct value

Host my_cloud_server_behind_tls
    Hostname $my_server_ip
    User $my_user_name
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/$my_ssh_key
    ProxyCommand ncat --ssl --ssl-servername my_cloud_server_ssh $my_server_ip 443
    ServerAliveInterval 20

Now, with the above snippet appended to the ~/.ssh/config, connecting to the server is just as easy as typing this command.

ssh my_cloud_server_behind_tls

Closing ssh port

After confirming that accessing ssh service behind tls works, it’s time to limit port 22 to the localhost and Tailscale/Wireguard ip range.

ufw allow in from to any app ssh
ufw allow in from ::1 to any app ssh
# tailscale cgnat ip range
ufw allow in from to any app ssh
ufw allow in from $wireguard_ip_range to any app ssh
# after confirming that everything works
ufw delete allow ssh
# reload the firewall
ufw reload

Now, the ssh log will be cleaner since there will be no more attempts from bad bots to access publicly opened ssh port.

I hope this guide will be useful and have a nice day!

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